Sleep Disorders Center

The Sleep Disorders Center at Texas Neurology is located at 6080 N Central Expy, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75206. Please note that appointments are scheduled by calling the center's coordinator at (214) 443-5154.
Sleep is absolutely essential for normal, healthy function. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, about 40 million people in the United States suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders, while an additional 20 million people suffer occasional sleep problems. There are more than 80 different sleep disorders that are generally classified into one of three categories:
- Lack of Sleep (Insomnia)
- Disturbed Breathing during Sleep (Obstructive Sleep Apnea)
- Excessive Sleep (Narcolepsy)
In most cases, sleep disorders can be easily managed once they are properly diagnosed. Inadequate sleep can have severe detrimental effects on health. Studies have shown that sleep is essential for normal immune system function and to maintain the ability to function both mentally and physically. In addition, sleep is essential for learning and for normal, healthy cell growth.
The Sleep Disorders Center at Texas Neurology provides comprehensive evaluation and management of adult patients with sleep disorders. Working in tandem with your physician, our trained staff will monitor and record the data needed to make the proper diagnosis and suggest the appropriate treatment plan. In addition to sleep studies, our services include a weekly sleep clinic, that provides formal consultation, follow-up, and management of various sleep disorders.
To simulate the closest conditions to sleeping at home, our rooms are nicely appointed and resemble a comfortable suite at a fine hotel. At the same time, our center is equipped with advanced digital technology in polysomnographic recording where routine and airway pressure titration studies are performed, as well as multiple sleep latency tests.
The Care Team
Sleep Assessment Quiz
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is used to determine the level of Daytime sleepiness and as a tool to determine if you're one of the more than 100 million Americans that suffer from some form of a sleeping disorder.
Take this sleep assessment quiz by selecting the chance of dozing options from the dropdowns below to determine your level of risk. Once you have selected your chance of dozing levels for each situation, press the "Analyze" button below to view your results.
Documents & Forms
- Medical Appointment Cancellation & No Show Policy
- Texas Neurology Cares Flyer
- Texas Neurology Cares Food Drive
- Texas Neurology Cares Toy Drive
- Texas Neurology Cares Winter Clothing Drive
- 52 Proven Stress Reducers
- Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information Form (To Obtain) (Dallas Version)
- Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information Form (To Release) (Dallas Version)
- Botox Savings Plan Overview Brochure
- Botox SPP Patient Instructions
- Buy and Bill and SPP Considerations
- Chronic Pain or Illness: Relationships and Communication
- Commonly Reported Symptoms at Various Phases of Migraine and Chronic Daily Headache
- The Complete Headache Chart
- Distinguishing Sinus Headache From Migraine
- Emergency Room Treatment Form
- Financial Policy
- Food Additives And Migraines
- General Guidelines for Treatment with Preventative Medications
- Guide to Acquiring Botox Through Specialty Pharmacy
- Headache Calendar
- Infusion Order Form (IVIG) Coming Soon
- Infusion Order Form (Lemtrada (Alamtuzumab)) Coming Soon
- Infusion Order Form (Migraine) Coming Soon
- Infusion Order Form (Ocrevus (Ocrelizumab))
- Infusion Order Form (Remicade (Infliximab)) Coming Soon
- Infusion Order Form (Tysabri (Natalizumab)) Coming Soon
- Low Tyramine Headache Diet
- Menstrually Related Migraine
- MRI Screening Form
- New Patient Packet (Dallas Version)
- Notice of Privacy Practices (English Version) (Spanish Version)
- Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant Information Guide
- Packet (Sleep Study)
- Patient Authorization Form for Radicava IV Infusion
- Questionnaire (Headache I)
- Questionnaire (Headache II)
- Questionnaire (Intake)
- Questionnaire (MIDAS)
- Referral Form (Diagnostic Imaging Center)
- Referral Form (General)
- Referral Form (Sleep Disorders Center)
- The Role of Triggering Factors in Migraine Headaches
- Sinus Headache or Migraine?
- Steps to Take to Reduce the Impact of Migraine at Work
- TeleVisit Terms & Conditions
- TeleVisit User Guide
- Ten Day Prednisone Program
- Tips for Better Sleep
- Tips for Improving the Inner "Landscape" or Increasing Self-Esteem
- Travel Tips for the Headache Sufferer
- Treatment Strategies and Options for Chronic Daily Headache Sufferers
- What Triggers A Migraine
- What You Need to Know about Your MRI
- Oops! It doesn't look like there's anything here right now...
- Headache Relief for Women by Dr. Alan Rappaport
- Heal Your Headache by Dr. David Buchholtz
- The Migraine Brain by Dr. Carolyn Bernstein
- Tell Me What to Eat/Headache by Elaine McGee R.D.
- Alzheimers Foundation
- American Academy of Neurology
- American Academy of Sleep Medicine
- American Council for Headache Education (ACHE)
- American Headache and Migraine Association (AHMA)
- American Medical Association
- American Parkinson Disease Association
- American Stroke Association
- Beeman Hotel Reservation Link
- BOTOX Chronic Migraine
- CenterWatch
- Clinical Trials Sites
- The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC)
- Dystonia Medical Research Foundation
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- Everyday Life with ALS book
- The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy
- The Impact of Migraine: Q&A with Dr. David Dodick
- International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN)
- Medicare
- The Movement Disorder Society
- The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA)
- Multiple Sclerosis International Foundation
- Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) - ALS Division
- MyChronicMigraine
- National ALS Registry
- National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
- National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) (ALS Information Page)
- Northeast ALS Consortium (NEALS)
- Parkinson Disease Foundation
- Quack Watch
- Washington University
- We Move
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